Nepali Unicode
Roman English to Unicode Nepali Converter
Namaste, Use the tool below to type in Romanized English Langauge and get your text converted or translated into Unicode nepali language. Using this tool is every easy, you can use the text box indicating "Romanized English Language Text (Input) "to type your text. In Real time basis, you will get the output in the text box below "Converted Nepali Unicode Text (Output) ".
To use the converted Nepali Language Unicode text, you can simply click the select all button below and press CTRL+C and use the text anywhere, as per your requirement.
Furthermore, some classic examples below can be used to make your translation or conversion efficient. Guideline below will be helpful for you to use this tool more efficiently.
Examples :
- sabai/lai desh ko maayaa laagcha - सबैलै देश को माया लाग्छ
- namaskar = नमस्कार
- dhanyawaad = धन्यवाद
- sagarmatha = सगरमाथा
- sambidhan = संविधान
- sa\watantrataa = स्वतन्त्रता
- Kathmandu = काठमाडौं
- sa*bidhan = संबिधान (* = अनुस्वर)
Be careful with these words/ characters while using the Nepali Unicode Converter Tool :
ta = त, Ta = ट, tha = थ, Tha = ठ, da = द, Da = ड, dha = ध, Dha = ढ, na = न, Na = ण, sha = श, Sha = ष.
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