Understanding JavaScript Operators: Arithmetic and Assignment

Understanding JavaScript Operators: Arithmetic and Assignment

In JavaScript, operators are symbols used to perform operations on variables and values. Operators can be categorized into several types, but two of the most commonly used ones are Arithmetic Operators and Assignment Operators. Let's dive into each category to understand how they work.

1. Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc. Here are the most commonly used arithmetic operators in JavaScript:

  • + - Addition
  • - - Subtraction
  • * - Multiplication
  • / - Division
  • % - Modulus (remainder of division)
  • ** - Exponentiation (raising to a power)
  • ++ - Increment (increases a number by 1)
  • -- - Decrement (decreases a number by 1)


let x = 10;
let y = 5;

let sum = x + y;   // 15
let difference = x - y;  // 5
let product = x * y;   // 50
let quotient = x / y;  // 2
let remainder = x % y;  // 0
let power = x ** y;  // 100000

x++;  // x becomes 11
y--;  // y becomes 4

These operators can be applied to numbers, and the result will be a new number based on the operation performed.

2. Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. The most basic assignment operator is the equals sign (=), but JavaScript also provides shorthand assignment operators that combine operations and assignment in a single step. Here's a list of common assignment operators:

  • = - Simple assignment
  • += - Add and assign
  • -= - Subtract and assign
  • *= - Multiply and assign
  • /= - Divide and assign
  • %= - Modulus and assign
  • **= - Exponentiation and assign


let a = 10;

a += 5;  // a = a + 5, so a becomes 15
a -= 3;  // a = a - 3, so a becomes 12
a *= 2;  // a = a * 2, so a becomes 24
a /= 4;  // a = a / 4, so a becomes 6
a %= 4;  // a = a % 4, so a becomes 2
a **= 3; // a = a ** 3, so a becomes 8

These shorthand operators are useful for updating variables without having to repeat the variable name. For example, a += 5 is shorthand for a = a + 5.


Arithmetic and assignment operators are fundamental to working with numbers and variables in JavaScript. Understanding how these operators work will help you write more concise and efficient code. Whether you're performing calculations or updating variables, these operators are the building blocks of your JavaScript logic.

By mastering these operators, you'll be well on your way to becoming a more effective JavaScript developer!

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