Combo box is a list of values which is shown in dropdown. In combo box, scroll bar appears for more than 8 items. Also we can specify the number of visible items using inbuilt function:
Items in combo box can be added in two ways, they are:
a) Using parameterized constructor
String items [] = {"Item1","Item2",....};
JComboBox cb = new JComboBox(items); // this is the parameterized constructor.
b)Â Using addItem() method
JComboBox cb = new JComboBox();
Event Handling in ComboBox
In ComboBox, Both ActionEvent and ItemEvent are generated when item is selected.
ItemEvent is generated every time when a new item is selected whereas ActionEvent is generated when any item is selected.
--> getSelectedItem() => returns the item selected
    getSelectedIndex() => returns the index of item selected